Archive for July 4, 2014

Swearing-in ceremonies for new citizens are traditional on Independence Day in America. What does U.S. citizenship mean to those who choose to naturalize?


Here are my 10 best pieces of parenting advice. Trust your gut. Always. Your gut is trying to talk to you. Listen to it. This is one thing I’ve learned a little late in the game, and I regret that.


inevitably, a parent of a student in your classroom is going to ask you for parenting advice. Maybe you should hand this out. Keep many at the ready….or is this a bad idea.


The American family looks different than it did 50, or even 10, years ago.

The number of children living with two married parents has steadily decreased since the ’80s. A 2012 Pew study found that 2 million dads stay at home with their kids — a …


Before an educator speaks about "the average family" or some other fiction, take a look through these pictures. maybe, these pics should be looked at each day before heading to work in the morning. Sometimes, we come from homogeneous neighborhoods of one kind or another and forget the world is different outside of these neighborhoods.  

The American family looks different than it did 50, or even 10, years ago.

The number of children living with two married parents has steadily decreased since the ’80s. A 2012 Pew study found that 2 million dads stay at home with their kids — a …


Before a teacher speaks about "the average family" or some other fiction, take a look through these pictures. maybe, these pics should be looked at each day before heading to work in the morning. Sometimes, we come from homogeneous neighborhoods of one kind or another and forget the world is different outside of these neighborhoods.  

We want success — but we also want to feel good about ourselves. Here are 4 books brimming with research that answer “What is the good life?”


Anesthesia was a major medical breakthrough, allowing us to lose consciousness during surgery and other painful procedures. Trouble is, we’re not entirely sure how it works.


While performing deep brain surgery on a woman with epilepsy, neuroscientists from George Washington University stimulated an area of her brain that unexpectedly — and temporarily — caused her to lose awareness.


On the Fourth of July, some Americans have celebrated their freedom of choice by choosing to not celebrate at all.


a srory illustrating disengagement and feelings that US laws do not protect or support you based on religious and class differences. Teachers of humanities subjects (els, history, civics, law) can get students thinking about freedom and citizenship around perceptions of holidays.

These four books describe everyday life under the Kim family in horrifying, poignant detail.


The newest trend is coming to America.


This is a great idea.